
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Everyone's So Focus Clearly With Such Shine

 - Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups

Hello fellow NaNoians!

I thought that title was appropriate tonight.  Considering the last post received a comment about liking the Silversun Pickups and the song is great.  Plus with the start of NaNoWriMo I believe everyone is focused clearly with their shiny new novels.

Today I didn't know when post, being its the first day of NaNo which just happened to land on a Tuesday.  Tuesday is the update day for Birth of a Novel Blog Chain (ran by Charity Bradford, and Elizabeth Poole.)  I was busy writing all morning hitting 2,000 words even before lunch.  Then life happens, and I couldn't get back to writing until after dinner, but here's the twist, I took a nap.  And this wasn't some "I'm going to lay down for little while" nap, oh no, this was an epic nap sleeping over four hours!  (I guess my body just needed it)  I will get back to writing more tonight (I'm a well versed night-owl) though I did want to update the blog with my word count.  (I also have two quizzes for school to take, but they are not due until Thursday, but I feel the sooner I get them done, the better)

Tonight I will give you a small synopsis (though a lot still needs to be worked out) of the story I'm writing.  It's going along fairly good, with little to no speed bumps.

It's about a woman, Justine, that that lost her child three years ago.  "He" (I haven't figured out a name for him yet) was kidnapped and murdered.  During the time "he" was missing, her marriage broke apart having both parties involved blame each other.  Now she's bitter, afraid to love, and wanting her revenge.   Only one little thing about that is the killer committed suicide when he was on trial.  Can she learn to forgive the killer?  Can she accept that her son was killed?  And can she learn to love again and find the happiness she so truly deserves?

I haven't figured out the answers yet, (or even a title for that matter) but I feel that is a good start.  Of course there is a twist (or two) with her journey.  As you can see it is a very character driven plot but I'm more comfortable with those types of stories.  Usually with external conflicts I feel that I lose some of the story, starts being something other than what it was supposed to be, something I didn't intent and I'm not sure why.

Well, I'm going to fight my mind by taking my quizzes, than get back to the thing I really enjoy, writing.  Happy noveling everyone  =)


  1. Sounds like a very interesting and troubling story. It's a tough thing to wrote about, I'm sure. Good luck with your quizzes and your writing this week.

  2. Sounds great! You have so much more of an idea about your novel than I have about mine!

    Good luck with le quizzes.

